Règles de l’ICOFOM



The name of the Committee is the International Committee for Museology hereafter referred to as ICOFOM.  Its address for purposes of correspondence is in care of the President of ICOFOM.



(a) ICOFOM is an International Committee of the International Council of  Museums (ICOM) established under Article 17 of the Statutes of ICOM.  Its activities are at all times subject to the ICOM Statutes, the ICOM Internal Rules and Regulations, the ICOM Code of Ethics, the Rules for International Committees, and relevant decisions of the General Assembly and Executive Council of ICOM.

(b) ICOFOM’s Rules are based on the Rules for each of the International Committees.

(c) ICOFOM shall operate within the generally accepted framework of the organization with respect to ICOFOM’s specific themes, activities and projects.



The aims and objectives of ICOFOM are:

(a) to support the aims and objectives of ICOM, in particular within the field of interest of ICOFOM;

(b) to contribute to the development and implementation of ICOM’s program;

(c) to formulate and  carry out  a program of  activities related to museology and in particular, to encourage critical analysis of museological  theory and practice, to stimulate research on museology, to foster debate, and to encourage the incorporation of museological  principles  in  the  work  of  museums, to which end ideas shall be disseminated through such publications as the peer reviewed ICOFOM Study Series (ISS), or through any other means as decided by ICOFOM;

(d) to provide a forum for communication, co-operation and information exchange,  between museums, universities, museum training institutions,  professional  museum  workers and other experts concerned with museology;

(e) to provide advice to ICOM on matters of a museological nature and to be a source of professional expertise to assist in the implementation of ICOM’s program;

(f) to represent the interests of the members of ICOFOM;

(g) to co-operate with National Committees and Regional Organisations of ICOM and with other International Committees and Affiliated Organisations in matters related to the aims and objectives of ICOFOM and the broader interests of ICOM.



(a) The membership of ICOFOM shall comprise ICOM members who request membership in ICOFOM, and otherpersons (not exceeding  20% of  ICOFOM’s membership) who are co-opted by ICOFOM and have no voting rights.

(b) Members of ICOFOM shall be:

(i) Members having full voting rights (members of ICOM who  have specifically stated that they wish to be an individual or institutional voting member of ICOFOM and are not a voting member of any other International Committee); or

(ii) Associate members (members of ICOM who have sought membership in ICOFOM but         who are and wish to remain voting members of another International Committee of ICOM);       or

(iii) Co-opted members (being persons not members of ICOM who provide extraordinary           professional services to ICOM and/or ICOFOM and accept and abide by the ICOM Code of Professional Ethics and who are co-opted by the Executive Board of ICOFOM.    Members in this category shall be co-opted   in conjunction with a specific project or for a            specific period of time).

(c) Members of ICOM wishing to join ICOFOM as voting members must apply to ICOM headquarters, which will transmit details of the Member’s application to the Secretary of ICOFOM.  

(d) Members of ICOM wishing to join ICOFOM as Associate members need to register with the Secretary of ICOFOM to be included in the correspondent list.  ICOFOM’s Associate membership lists shall be maintained by the Secretary of ICOFOM.

(e) Membership in ICOFOM shall cease if a member resigns from ICOFOM or ceases to be a member of ICOM for any reason (other than persons who have been co-opted under Clause 4 (b) (iii).)

(f) ICOFOM shall maintain a membership of at least 50.

(g) ICOFOM’s voting membership list shall be maintained by ICOM.



(a) Upon becoming a member of ICOFOM, membership rights accrue to the member, including the right to participate  in the activities and program of ICOFOM, to attend meetings organised by ICOFOM and to have the right to receive or purchase publications produced by ICOFOM.

(b) Persons and institutions who are members of ICOFOM have the right to vote in the business meetings of ICOFOM and to stand for election to the Executive Board of ICOFOM.

  1. SUB-COMMITTEES (New and Extant)

(a)  The Executive Board of ICOFOM may create permanent Sub-Committees as necessary to carry out its programmes.

(b)  ICOFOM may also accept, upon written application to the President of ICOFOM,  requests from any regional, national, or linguistically homogeneous entity which wishes to form a Sub-Committee within its demographic, operating within and under the aegis of ICOFOM.  While the ICOFOM Executive Board will determine the terms and conditions under which a Sub-Committee shall be formed, it is expected that all such applications will come with:  a statement of aims and objectives;  governance indicators including a proposed management and operational structure including elections;  membership parameters;  a list of proposed activities, including meetings;  steps to be taken in the event of dissolution;  a statement on how the new sub-committee perceives it will effectively function within ICOFOM.  The Executive Board of ICOFOM must approve the formation of all new sub-committees.  Sub-Committees shall be evaluated at least once every three years to confirm the relevance of their activities.

(c)     Members of ICOFOM’s Sub-Committees shall accept and abide by the ICOM Code of Ethics, and by the Rules of ICOFOM, including the holding of elections every 3 years.

(d)   Any extant Sub-Committee which has not already done so is to provide to ICOFOM:  a statement on its raison d’être, its aims and objectives, and its terms of reference; statements on its governance, management structure, basis of membership (including categories of membership, where applicable, and numbers at time of reporting), meetings, elections (when they take place and procedure), recurring activities, funding sources and dissolution.

(e)   Changes or amendments contemplated to any aspect of Sub-Committee structure, including an expansion or change in catchment with or without name change, first needs to be approved by  ICOFOM’s Executive Board.

(f)     On an ongoing and timely basis, each Sub-Committee is required to provide, to the ICOFOM Executive Board, the following information:  annual reports on the past year (including a financial report), current and upcoming activities, and any changes to categories outlined in 6.(d) above, in whatever format ICOFOM requires for, e.g. ICOFOM Annual General Meetings, annual subvention applications to ICOM, etc.; announcements of current and upcoming activities, papers, publications, reports and other written or visual material for the posting of same on the ICOFOM website. Reports sent to ICOFOM will be in any one or all of the three official ICOM languages – English, French or Spanish.

(g)   The ICOFOM webmaster is to be involved with sub-committee websites especially where standards are concerned and the links between Sub-Committee and ICOFOM websites are to be clearly indicated on each other’s website.

(h)     Each Sub-Committee is required to formulate and follow appropriate protocols to include the following:  to always represent itself as a sub-committee of ICOFOM and thus to clearly delineate it as a part of ICOFOM, the registered International Committee of ICOM; in order to avoid any misappropriation of the name and logo of either ICOM or ICOFOM, permissions are to be sought and granted prior to use, with official “print ready” templates for use by sub-committees to be provided; information regarding standardization of sub-committee website structure, to include basic information on ICOFOM, the use of logos, and the updating of sites; the sub-committee’s working relationship with and responsibilities to and within ICOFOM.

(i)   The Chairs of the extant sub-committees, ICOFOM LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean)  and ICOFOM ASPAC (Asia and the Pacific), are automatically members of the ICOFOM Executive Board.  These persons may delegate their role on the ICOFOM Executive Board to another member of that committee. The delegation of this task is definitive and will cover the 3 years between elections held by the sub-committees.  The Chair or delegate is expected to ensure, among other things, that either the incumbent or a designate attend the Annual General Meeting in order to present the annual report of the sub-committee so represented and to contribute to discussions in Executive Board meetings.  Any Board member of a Sub-Committee must be a member of ICOM.

(j)     The dates and places of annual conferences and other activities held by sub-committees to be discussed with the President of ICOFOM prior to being set so that there are no timing conflicts and the activities are in accordance with the direction, aims and then current operations of ICOFOM.

(k)  Members of ICOFOM’s Sub-Committees shall be welcome to attend and participate in the academic and other activity components of ICOFOM’s annual meetings.  Likewise, all members of ICOFOM shall be entitled to attend meetings of ICOFOM’s regional, national, or multi-national Sub-Committees.

(l)  Members of ICOFOM’s Sub-Committees are not considered official members of ICOFOM unless they are also members of ICOM, have an ICOM membership number and  are up to date in the payment of their membership dues.

(m)  ICOFOM may decide to dissolve a sub-committee if that sub-committee is considered not to respond to the reason why it was created, if it fails in its obligations defined throughout Clause 6 of the ICOFOM Rules, or if it acts in such a way that is considered inappropriate or counter to the principles laid down by ICOFOM. The proposal of dissolution must be voted on at the triennial assembly, by a majority vote of ICOFOM members present, either personally or by proxy (only 3 per member will be accepted).


(a)   The Executive Board of ICOFOM may create temporary Working Groups as necessary to carry out its programmes.

(b)  ICOFOM may accept the creation of Working Groups for specific purposes or projects upon request by members.  The ICOFOM Executive Board will determine the terms and conditions under which a Working Group shall be formed.

(c)   Members of ICOFOM’s Working Groups shall accept and abide by the ICOM Code of Ethics, and by the objectives of ICOFOM.

(d)  Members of ICOFOM’s Working Groups  shall be welcome to attend and participate in the academic and other activity components of ICOFOM’s annual meetings.  Likewise, all members of ICOFOM shall be entitled to attend meetings of ICOFOM’s regional, national, or multi-national Working Groups.

(e)  Members of ICOFOM’s Working Groups are not considered official members of ICOFOM unless they are also members of ICOM, have an ICOM membership number and  are up to date in the payment of their membership dues.


(a) ICOFOM  shall  hold, if possible, at least once a year, conferences and symposia either in person or online, as  it considers necessary for the attainment of its objectives and the carrying out of its program.

(b) For meetings of ICOFOM and in response to the “Call for Abstracts/Papers”, members may write abstracts/papers in any of the three official languages of ICOM, which will then be reviewed by ICOFOM’s Editorial Committee.

(c) Proceedings at all meetings of ICOFOM and of the Executive Board shall be governed by generally accepted rules of procedure for the conduct of meetings.

(d) ICOFOM shall meet in plenary session each year and shall in any case meet in conjunction with ICOM’s General Conference and Assembly held every three years.  At least three months written notice, by regular or electronic mail, shall be given to all members of ICOFOM of the place and dates of plenary meetings.

(e) Every plenary meeting shall include a business meeting of ICOFOM.  Its agenda shall include:

(i) an annual report on the work of ICOFOM;

(ii) a report on the finances of ICOFOM (see Clause 13, below);

(iii) adoption of a budget for the forthcoming year;

(iv) a review and adoption of the annual program of ICOFOM for the forthcoming year;

 (v) a report of activities of any Sub-Committee or Working Group;

 (f)  The quorum for the annual meeting shall be 10 voting members of ICOFOM up to date in the payment of their membership dues present personally or by proxy (only 3 per member will be accepted), provided that at least five voting members of ICOFOM are present in person.

(g) The triennial plenary meeting held in conjunction with ICOM’s General Conference and Assembly shall be the principal business meeting of ICOFOM.   Its agenda shall include:

(i) a report on the work of ICOFOM during the preceding triennium;

(ii) a report on the membership and finances of ICOFOM;

(iii) reports on Sub-Committees and Working Groups;

(iv) a review of the draft triennial program of ICOM and adoption of a work program for ICOFOM for the forthcoming triennium;

 (v) adoption of a budget for the forthcoming triennium;

 (vi) election of the Executive Board for the forthcoming triennium.

(h) The quorum for the triennial plenary meeting shall be ten voting members of ICOFOM up to date in the payment of their membership dues present either personally or by proxy (only 3 per member will be accepted), provided that at least five voting members of ICOFOM are present in person.

(i) At annual and triennial plenary meetings of ICOFOM each voting member shall be entitled to one vote on any matter, but may also vote as proxy for other voting members if those members have given, either by email or by post to the ICOFOM Secretary, a proxy to the member present.  Only 3 proxies per member will be accepted.

(j) The Secretary (or substitute recording secretary) shall provide minutes of the official proceedings of the annual and triennial meetings of ICOFOM and either forward them to all members of ICOFOM and/or post them on the ICOFOM website no later than two months after each meeting.

(k)   ICOFOM may create permanent Sub-Committees as necessary to carry out its programmes. Each Sub-Committee will elect a Chair in accordance with the Rules of ICOFOM.  The Chair or delegate, as defined in Clause 10.(f), shall report on the activities of the Sub-Committee  at each annual plenary meeting of ICOFOM, and, at each triennial plenary meeting of  ICOFOM.

(l)  ICOFOM may establish temporary Working Groups, with specific terms of reference, as it considers necessary to facilitate the carrying out of its program.  Each such Working Group shall appoint a Chair from among its number who shall be a voting member of ICOFOM.  The Chair shall report progress on the activities of the Working Group at each annual plenary meeting of ICOFOM, and, at each triennial plenary meeting of  ICOFOM when the need for  the Working Group shall be reviewed and its mandate renewed if necessary.

(m) ICOFOM may convene meetings at the regional or sub-regional level, and all members of ICOFOM shall be entitled to attend such meetings.

(n) The President of ICOFOM shall inform the Chair of the National ICOM Committee (if one exists) of any State in which ICOFOM proposes to hold a meeting, and of the date, place and subject matter of the meeting and shall seek to facilitate cooperation between ICOFOM and that National ICOM Committee in the holding of the meeting.



(a) The affairs of ICOFOM shall be managed by an Executive Board, comprised of persons elected by the voting members.

(b) The elected members of the ICOFOM Executive Board shall consist of a President and ten other persons, all of whomshall be elected by the voting members at the triennial plenary meeting of ICOFOM held during ICOM’s General Conference and Assembly, and including one representative from each extant Sub-Committee,.  In addition, the Honorary Counsellor and the immediate Past President shall serve as Honorary Board members of ICOFOM.

(c) Elected members of the Executive Board shall be elected for the period of three  years extending from the end of the triennial plenary meeting at which they are elected, to the end of the next triennial plenary meeting.

(d) At their first meeting after their election, up to two Vice-Presidents and up to three Secretaries and one Treasurer may be either elected by the new ICOFOM Executive Board or appointed by the President, and who shall, with the President, be the officers of the Executive Board.

(e) Notwithstanding Clause 9.(c), no person may be elected to the Executive Board for a continuous period of more thantwelve years regardless of the position or office.

(f)  A person who has ceased to be a member of the Executive Board under Clauses 9.(e) is eligible to seek re-election after an absence from the Executive Board of one three-year term.

(g) No more than two persons who are residents of any one country may be elected to the Executive Board.  In the event that more than two such persons are elected, the person or persons having received the least number of votes shall bedeemed not to have been elected and shall be replaced by the person or persons with the next largest number of votes provided that this does not result in the same problem arising in relation to other elected members.

(h) In order to ensure equitable geographic representation, the elected members of the Executive Board may co-opt additional ICOFOM members from regions not sufficiently represented by elected members, but such co-opted members shall not exceed four in number and their period of service shall be from the date of their co-option to the next triennial plenary meeting of ICOFOM.

(i)  ICOFOM shall communicate with its members as required, but at least once a year.  General information shall be distributed to members on a regular basis and/or posted on the ICOFOM website as a membership service. An optional fee may be charged for non-members to receive information equivalent to that distributed to members.



(a)  A Nominations Committee of at least three voting members of ICOFOM not running for office shall be appointed by the Executive Board of ICOFOM to preside over all aspects of elections to the Executive Board.  A call for candidates shall be sent to all voting members of ICOFOM at least six months in advance of the triennial plenary meeting.  Every effort will be made to encourage as wide a global representation as possible.

(b)  A voting member of ICOFOM who is unable to attend the triennial  plenary meeting may appoint, either by email or by post to the Secretary, another voting member of ICOFOM who is up to date on the payment of his or her membership dues to act as his or her proxy and may direct that member to vote for particular candidates or to vote as the proxy thinks fit.  Only 3 proxies per member will be accepted.

(c) Nominations from the floor will be accepted so long as the person so nominated is present, is willing to stand for election, and is found to be an eligible candidate.  No self-nominations will be accepted.

(d) The election shall be conducted by an election officer appointed by the outgoing Executive Board.  The election officer shall be a voting member of  ICOFOM who is up to date on the payment of his or her membership dues and is not  a candidate for election.

(e) The election of the President shall be conducted separately from and in advance of the election of the other Executive Board members.

(f)  The Chairs of the current Sub-Committees, ICOFOM LAM and ICOFOM ASPAC, are automatically members the ICOFOM Executive Board and these persons may delegate their role on the Executive Board to another member of that committee; the delegation is definitive and will cover the mandate of the Chairs.

(g)  If there are more than ten candidates for the positions of elected member  (other than the President and Sub-Committee representatives), the names of the candidates shall be listed on the ballot paper in alphabetical order of the surnames.  Only those ballot papers which contain a vote for no more than ten of the candidates shall  be counted.  The ten candidates gaining the largest number of votes shall be elected.  In the event that there is an equality of votes for two or more candidates  to  fill the last of the ten positions, the matter shall be decided by a run-off vote between those candidates as conducted by the election officer.

(h) The President or Executive Board members of ICOFOM may not serve in another elected or appointed position in ICOM unless authorized by the Executive Council of ICOM.



(a)  A person shall cease to be a member of ICOFOM’s Executive Board if the person:

(i) resigns;

(ii) ceases to be a member of ICOM for any reason;

(iii) is no longer a voting member of ICOFOM;

(iv) has been elected to the Executive Board for twelve consecutive years (see Clause 9.(e).

(b)  If the departing member is an officer of the Executive Board, and there is more than one elected to and serving in the same position, then the next officer in line will fill that position.  If there is no such officer, then a replacement, selected from the  regular (non-officer) members of the Executive Board, shall be appointed to the position by the President.


(a) ICOFOM’s Executive Board shall meet as often as it considers necessary for the conduct of the business of ICOFOM, but minimally once a year.  The President shall preside at meetings of the Executive Board or, if the President is not present, at least one of the Vice-Presidents.  If all of the Vice-Presidents are absent, the members present shall elect one of their number to preside.

(b) The Executive Board may hold meetings in person, by telephone, or online.

(c) The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Board shall be five persons present personally or participating personally in a meeting conducted under Clause 12.(b).

(d) When and where possible, the Secretary shall give at least three months notice of the place and date of  a meeting of the Executive Board and invite proposals for the agenda, and not later than two months prior to the meeting, shall, either by email or by post, send to each member of the Executive Board a notice setting out the business to be discussed.


(a)  ICOFOM’s accounting year is from 1st January to 31st December every year.

(b) ICOFOM shall be entitled to raise and expend such funds for its operations as it considers necessary, including donations, sponsorships, grants and added value from activities organized by or through ICOFOM.

(c) ICOFOM is entitled to impose fees on all ICOFOM members for specific services including participation in anyconferences organized by ICOFOM (except those held in association with a General Conference of ICOM but may impose a charge for transport and other costs associated with such meetings) and for any publications produced by ICOFOM and shall inform ICOM of such measures.

(d) Any monies received by ICOFOM (including any subvention received from  ICOM) will be paid into a single bank account established by the President of ICOFOM in liaison with the General Secretariat of ICOM and all payments made on behalf of ICOFOM shall be made from that bank account.

(e) To ensure proper legal and financial management of funds associated with ICOFOM’s annual meetings and to certify the proper audit of related accounts, ICOFOM shall establish an agreement of cooperation with an entity in the host country (museum, university, foundation, ICOM National Committee, or similar public-oriented body).

(f) For any particular meeting of ICOFOM, the persons organising the meeting may establish a separate bank account for the income and expenditures associated with that meeting, and only the profit or loss associated with the meeting shall be paid into or met from the ICOFOM bank account.

(g) The Treasurer of ICOFOM shall keep proper accounts of all monies received and expended on an annual basis.

(h)  The Treasurer of ICOFOM shall present a report on the finances of ICOFOM at each meeting of the Executive Board and to the members at each plenary meeting of ICOFOM.

            (i)  The President of ICOFOM shall submit to ICOM, at a date set by the General

            Secretariat, an annual report of activities and the Treasurer of ICOFOM shall prepare an

            annual financial statement, both having been approved by ICOFOM members at the

            preceding annual plenary meeting.

(ii)  ICOFOM may be eligible for a yearly subsidy based on different criteria laid out by ICOM.

            (iii)  All the transactions will be carried out in accordance with the budget voted by the

            Executive Board of ICOFOM and submitted to the ICOM Secretariat at the beginning of the



            (iv)  All of the operations will be duly justified (a) by receipts for the inflows and (b) by

            invoices for the outflows.  The original versions will be conserved by ICOFOM for a period

            of 5 years and a copy shall be sent to ICOM upon request.


            (v)  In case of paid services rendered by members of ICOFOM, more specifically, members

            of the Executive Board and/or their families, these services will be rendered at normal

            market and price conditions.



(a) The ICOFOM Executive Board shall be responsible for managing the affairs of ICOFOM and for  ensuring that the requirements of the Statutes of ICOM and of these Rules are observed and that changes in the ICOM Statutes and ICOM Internal Rules and Regulations are incorporated in the ICOFOM Rules as soon as possible.

(b) The Executive Board shall, before agreeing to hold a meeting in any State, satisfy itself that no impediment to entry will be placed by the Government of that State in the way of any member of ICOFOM wishing to attend the meeting.

(c) The Executive Board shall, during the first trimester of each calendar year, prepare a report on the activities of ICOFOM during the preceding year which shall be sent to all voting members of ICOFOM and to the ICOM Secretariat and considered at the next plenary meeting of ICOFOM.

(d) The Executive Board shall, when requested to do so by the ICOM Director General, prepare and submit a Report on the work of ICOFOM during the past triennium.

(e) The Executive Board shall, when requested to do so by the ICOM Director General,  designate five voting members of ICOFOM to vote on its behalf at the General Assembly and in the election of the ICOM Executive Council and other matters as deemed necessary.

(f) The Executive Board shall, at least six months prior to a General Assembly of ICOM, submit to the ICOM Director General its comments on the draft triennial program of ICOM together with a draft of its own triennial program of work, for inclusion in the final draft triennial program.

(g) The Executive Board shall ensure that members of ICOFOM are kept fully informed of the work of the Executive Board, of its plans for the activities of ICOFOM and of any other matters relevant to the work and functions of ICOFOM.  It may publish a regular Newsletter or communicate at least once a year with the members by such other means as it considers appropriate, including postings on the ICOFOM website.  General information shall be distributed to members on a regular basis as a membership service, while an optional fee may be charged for non-members to receive equivalent distributed information.



(a) The President shall convene and preside over all meetings, and maintain the overall responsibility for all aspects of ICOFOM.  The President assumes final responsibility for the budget, its implementation, and the finances of ICOFOM.

(b) The Vice-President shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the President in the President’s absence, or inability to act.

(c) The Secretaries shall be responsible for coordinating all meetings of the Executive Board and of the members, for soliciting, receiving and verifying proxies (no more than 3 per member will be accepted), for ensuring quorum at meetings, and shall be in charge of taking the minutes (or having them taken by a substitute recording secretary) and disseminating these to the ICOFOM membership.  The Secretaries shall be responsible for receiving applications for Associate membership in ICOFOM and for keeping  up to date both voting and Associate membership lists, and for providing an up to date membership list of voting members to determine eligibility at the time of voting during the triennial plenary meeting.  It is understood that ICOFOM’s membership list  can only be considered up to date based on whatever data is provided by the ICOM Secretariat.  (See also Clauses 4.(c), 4.(d), 8.(i), 8.(j), 10.(b) and 12.(d))

(d) The Treasurer is responsible for the finances of ICOFOM in accordance with the decisions of the Executive Board.  The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of all the funds of ICOFOM and keep or cause to be kept the requisite books of accounts and accounting records.  The Treasurer shall prepare an annual financial report and a draft annual budget for consideration by the Executive Board and submission to ICOM.



(a) The Rules of ICOFOM shall be adopted at a plenary meeting of  ICOFOM and may be amended at any subsequent plenary meeting of ICOFOM.

(b) Any suggested amendments to the Rules must be proposed by at least ten voting members and seconded by at least one Executive Board member of ICOFOM.  The text of any proposed amendment, together with any explanatory material shall be sent to the voting members of ICOFOM at least four months prior to the plenary meeting at which the amendment is to be considered.

(c) Adoption of and amendments to the Rules of ICOFOM require the support of a majority of the members who are present at the plenary meeting, either personally or by proxy (only 3 per member will be accepted), and are subject to approval by the ICOM Secretariat.




(a) ICOFOM shall be dissolved if the Executive Council of ICOM withdraws recognition or by a majority vote of its members, either personally or by proxy (only 3 per member will be accepted).  Such a vote shall take place at an annual plenary meeting of ICOFOM.

(b) In the event that the ICOFOM is dissolved, any remaining assets shall be transferred to the Treasurer of ICOM and shall be dealt with in such manner as the Executive Council of ICOM deems appropriate.

Approved:   5 July 1995 at Stavanger, Norway

Amendments Approved:   5 July 2009 at Liège, Belgium

Amendments Approved:   23 October 2011 at Taipei, Taiwan

ICOM Secretariat Review and Amendments:  July 2012

Amendments Approved:  3 November 2012 at Tunis, Tunisia

Amendments Approved:  9 June 2014 at Paris, France

Amendments Proposed:  September 2017 at Havana, Cuba

Amendments Approved: 19 October 2018 at Tehran, Iran