ICOFOM STUDY SERIES: Spaces for global museology (VOL. 50, ISSUE 2 — 2023)
ICOFOM’s first-ever open issue of the biannual ICOFOM Study Series
We are proud that we can publish in this issue of the Study Series articles from five continents, written in all three of ICOFOM’s official languages by professionals and scholars both expert and emerging. (…)
These articles coalesce broadly around conceptions of space – both the metaphorical space to consider new ideas and partner with new communities and the physical space of museum structures. Museums offer symbolic narratives working together in highly crafted spaces to shape the values, identities, and actions of those who interact with them, and they also offer interpersonal space in which people come together to pause and reflect on their world.
Extract from the introduction by M.Elizabeth Weiser, Editor, ICOFOM
Forward by ICOFOM Chair Karen Brown and Former Chair Bruno Brulon Soares
Click here to download the full book (5 Mb)