Other Publications
Czasopismo internetowe ZWAM
“– Zbiór Wiadomości do Antropologii Muzealnej poświęcone zagadnieniom: muzeum, muzeologia, muzealnictwo, antropologia kulturowa, etnologia, etnografia, wydawane w ramach wydawnictw Polskiego Towarzystwa Ludoznawczego”
[ZWAM online journal
“- Annual Review of Museum Anthropology devoted to the issues of: museum, museology, museology, cultural anthropology, ethnology, ethnography, published by the Polish Folklore Society”]
Journal website: https://apcz.umk.pl/czasopisma/index.php/ZWAM/about/index
Par Peter van Mensch, ancien président de l’ICOFOM (1989–1993)
Traduit de l’anglais par Chloé Kuhn
Préface de François Mairesse, ancien président de l’ICOFOM (2016–2019)
Published by L’Harmattan
Doctorat sur Vers une méthodologie de la muséologie, Université de Zagreb, 1992, traduit en français
[By Peter van Mensch, former president of ICOFOM (1989–1993)
Translated from English by Chloé Kuhn
Preface by François Mairesse, former president of ICOFOM (2016–2019)
Published by L’Harmattan
Ph.D. dissertation on Towards a Methodology of Museology, University of Zagreb, 1992, translated in French]
Museus em tempos de Covid-19: o luto e a luta
Instituições podem desempenhar papel regenerativo sobre a vida das pessoas
Por Bruno Brulon Soares, professor da UNIRIO e presidente da ICOFOM
[Museums in Covid-19 times: mourning and struggle
Institutions can use regenerative role on people’s lives
By Bruno Brulon Soares, professor at UNIRIO and president of ICOFOM]
Collectionneurs & Psyché
Ce que collectionner veut dire
Editeurs: Géraldine David, directrice et conservatrice de la Bibliotheca Wittockiana à Bruxelles, et François Mairesse, professeur à l’Université Sorbonne nouvelle – Paris 3 (CERLIS, CNRS, labex ICCA) et ancien président de l’ICOFOM (2013-2019)
Publication de Bibliotheca Wittockiana
[Collectors & Psyche
What Collecting Means
Editors: Géraldine David, director and curator of the Bibliotheca Wittockiana in Brussels, and François Mairesse, professor at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University – Paris 3 (CERLIS, CNRS, ICCA labex) and former president of ICOFOM (2013-2019)
Bibliotheca Wittockiana publication]
Please download by clicking here.
Museology and Theoretical Discourse

Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade
Vol. 9 No. 17 (2020): Museus e Museologia: aportes teóricos na contemporaneidade
Com as contribuições de nossos membros da ICOFOM
[Museology & Interdisciplinarity
Vol. 9 No. 17 (2020): Museums and Museology: theoretical contributions in contemporary times
With the contributions from our ICOFOM members]
Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade
Revisita Museu – 18 de maio de 2020
“Museus pandêmicos: notas de uma museologia de luto” [Pandemic museums: notes from a mourning museology]
By Bruno Brulon Soares, Professor at UNIRIO and Chair of ICOFOM
Museologia e Patrimônio – Vol. 1, 2019
“Novo capítulo sobre Museologia Experimental:
Museus, Patrimônios e Experiência Criadora: ensaio sobre as bases da Museologia Experimental”
[New chapter on Experimental Museology: Museums, Heritage and Creative Experience: an essay on the basis of Experimental Museology]
By Bruno Brulon Soares, Professor at UNIRIO and Chair of ICOFOM
“The role of Z. Z. Stránský in present-day museology”
By Jan Dolák, Faculty at Comenius University and Board Member of ICOFOM (2016-2019)
Journal website: http://www.phil.muni.cz/journals/index.php/museologica-brunensia
Museum Presentation
By Jan Dolák, Faculty at Comenius University and Board Member of ICOFOM (2016-2019), and Petra Šobáňová, Faculty at Univerzita Palackého Olomouc
Please download by clicking here.
Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo / Museology and Cultural Heritage – Bratislava
“Museum Communication, Exhibition Policy and Plan: The Field Museum as a Case Study”
by Yun Shun Susie Chung, Faculty at Southern New Hampshire University and Board Member of ICOFOM
Journal Current Issue and Archives
Journal Website: http://www.muzeologia.sk/casopis_mkd_en.htm
Visitors to South Indian Museums. Museology context and visitor study

By Anita Bharat Shah
The latest issue of “Museologia Brunensia” devoted to the late Zbyněk Zbyslav Stránský

The autumn issue of Museologica Brunensia journal, 2016/2, will be dedicated to Zbyněk Zbyslav Stránský, key figure of Czech and world museology and founder of museological department at Brno university, who passed away at the beginning of this year. Professional as well as commemorative papers were already announced by significant personalities of museology.
Access the issue here!
André Desvallées: between museologies

N. 47, Anais do Museu Histórico Nacional
The publication is a result from the ICOFOM project The History of Museology, consisting in a special issue of the Anais do Museu Histórico Nacional (Annals of the National Historical Museum) around the written works of French museologist André Desvallées, including some of his conceptual marks in theoretical museology and his recent Interview by Bruno Brulon Soares, who organizes the present issue.
Visiting the visitor: an enquiry into the visitor business in museums, book edited by Ann Davis y Kerstin Smeds
“Nouvelles tendances de la muséologie”, a book directed by François Mairesse

Journal of Museum & Culture
We would like to introduce the internet site of the Journal of Museum & Culture, published by the Chinese Association of Museum, Taiwan (R.O.C.) as the following:
The Journal was launched in June 2011 as an independent peer reviewed journal which brings together original academic papers by scholars and museum professionals on the subject of museology in modern culture development.
The 4th issue of our journal will focus on“Museums, Communities and Knowledge”to discuss how museum reflect, practice and create knowledge and establish sharing forum in contemporary globalized environment.
It would be our great delight that you could help us to send the information to other friends or send us your academic papers. I believe that the journal would be very promising and fruitful under your support.
What is a Museum?

After publishing museological books by Stránský, Schärer, Maroevic and others, we are happy to announce the English version of André Desvallées and François Mairesse (ed.): Vers une redéfinition du musée? L’Harmattan, Paris, 2007 (Muséologies, directed by Michel Van Praët) by
Ann Davis, André Desvallées and François Mairesse (ed.): What is a Museum? Revised and enlarged edition with English translation by Ann Davis, Lynn Maranda and Suzanne Nash.
This publication of 218 pages and 59 illustrations appears in two versions:
1) the print version (black and white, by the end of January, 2011)
2) the PDF version (in full colour, already released for download). This book is addressed to administrators and politicians, museum professionals and museologists likewise. It considers the ICOM definition of museum in a new light and gives an impression of how visitors interact with museums.
For more information on authors, contributions and online orders see www.museum-aktuell.de/shop/themes/kategorie/detail.php; The book can be ordered directly online from our shop www.museum-aktuell.de/shop/themes/kategorie/detail.php or by any bookshop worldwide: ISBN 978-3-932704-81-9 The price for the printed version is 32 € plus PAP; the price for the PDF version (print possible)is 28 € (payable with most credit cards via “Click & Buy”, a secure payment system by Deutsche Telecom). For general information on Click & Buy see, in many languages (select your country) www.clickandbuy.com/WW_en/payment/index.html For a quick download in three steps use this link: www.museum-aktuell.de/index.php;
Sincerely Yours