Materials from our Symposia

On this page, we present the publications “Materials for a discussion” with papers of communications from our latest simposia edited by ICOFOM.

You can download separate files below by clicking below the covers. If you would like to download all the monographs from google drive, click on this link.


Transnational Island Museologies

Muséologies Insulaires Transnationales

Museologías Insulares Transnacionales

Click here for the full book


Taboos in Museology: Difficult issues for museum theory

Remettre en question les silences : Confronter les tabous dans les musées et la museologie

Desafiar los silencios: Enfrentárse a los tabúes en los museos y la museología


 Click here for the full book



Decolonising Museology, Volume 2: Museums, Mixing, and Myths of Origin

Décoloniser la Muséologie,Volume 2: Musées, Métissages et Mythes d’Origine

Descolonizando la Museología, Volumen 2: Museos, Mestizajes y Mitos de Origen


Click here for the full book


What is the essence of Conservation?


Click here for the full book


The Future of Tradition in Museology


Click here for the full book


Museology and the Sacred


Click here for the full book


Des lieux pour penser : musées, bibliothèques, théâtres


Click here for the full book


Définir le musée du XXIe siècle


Click here for the full book