Special Projects
ICOFOM’S Youth SAREC Project
ICOFOM firmly believes that museums must place the participation of young people at the centre of debates and discussions. ICOFOM will facilitate global workshops for young people and youth professionals in collaboration with local museums and NGOs.
The global workshop series shall embrace the call to action for museum professionals by global youth climate activists, for greater involvement of young people to become agents of change in both contemporary museology, across wider society, and seek to understand the role that museums can play to address climate change and the UN’s Agenda 2030, particularly in underrepresented countries and communities. The workshops will contribute towards research outputs and the general call for greater youth participation in museums and ICOM.
Each workshop, associated research, and activity was only possible thanks to the knowledge, commitment, and enthusiasm of all young people, communities, traditional knowledge holders, collaborators, and partner organisations involved. ICOFOM would like to acknowledge the generous in-kind contributions from the various project partners and particularly the in-kind contribution of the collaborator’s staff time spent facilitating and supporting the project.
The global workshops, some of which are still to be held, will take place in collaboration with local partners in the following locations:
• Abidjan, Cote de’Ivoire
In collaboration with ICOM Cote d’Ivoire
• Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad & Tobago
In collaboration with the University of the West Indies (UWI)
• Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad & Tobago
In collaboration with the University of the West Indies (UWI)
• Cork, Republic of Ireland
In collaboration with the University College Cork
• Doha, Qatar
In collaboration with ICOM Qatar and Qatar Museums
• George Town, Cayman Islands
In collaboration with the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands
• Kolkata, India
In collaboration with the University of Calcutta
• Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
In collaboration with ICOFOM-ASPAC, ICOM Malaysia, and the Department of Museums Malaysia
• Lesvos, Greece
In collaboration with the University of the Aegean
• Noumea, New Caledonia
In collaboration with the University of New Caledonia and the Association des Musées et Établissements Patrimoniaux de Nouvelle-Calédonie
• Paraná, Argentina
In collaboration with ICOFOM-LAC and ICOM Argentina
• Shanghai, China
In collaboration with Fudan University
• Split, Croatia
In collaboration with the University of Zagreb
• St Andrews, Scotland, UK
In collaboration with the University of St Andrews and the UKRI Shared Island Stories research project
• To be confirmed, Italy
In collaboration with the University of Milan Bicocca
• Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
In collaboration with Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington
For more information, please get in touch with Jamie Allan Brown, ICOFOM Treasurer (2022-2025) and Research Fellow, University of St Andrews, via jab26@st-andrews.ac.uk