October 9, 2023
ICOFOM LAC ELECTION 2023-2026 (Board and President)

Dear ICOFOM, e ICOFOM LAC members,
We remind you that from November 6 to 10, ICOFOM LAC will hold the XXXI Annual Symposium “Histories of Latin American and Caribbean museology: subjects, diversity and plurality of experiences” in Recife, Brazil, in a hybrid format. In this context, the Ordinary Annual Assembly will be held, which will include the renewal of authorities as the term of office of the current authorities will be completed this year.
As usual, one (1) position of PRESIDENT and ten (10) positions of BOARD MEMBER will be voted separately.
For nominations, the corresponding forms must be filled out:
1. Form for BOARD MEMBERS:
2. Form for PRESIDENT:
We will be accepting nominations until October 25