July 20, 2023
We need your expertise! Revision of the “ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums” Announcements

We need your expertise!
As a valued member of the ICOFOM community, your professional insight is crucial to contributing to the ongoing revision of the “ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums,” led by the ICOM Standing Committee on Ethics (ETHCOM).
Different ICOM committees have been invited to share their opinion on the proposal of the new structure of the Code. Along with other related committees, we are collecting ideas from our members to submit for the current consultation stage.
Your experiences, whether you are a hands-on practitioner implementing the Code daily, or a theoretician critically assessing its consistency, are highly valuable to our endeavour. Your perspectives could shine a light on aspects that might be otherwise overlooked.
We are looking forward to your active participation!
The proposed structure of the code of ethics is as follows: icofom_ethics_consultation_2023 (in English, French, and Spanish)
We are interested to hear if you agree with the proposed structure, if there is anything that is more important or less important and needs more emphasis or is not mentioned anymore for being too obvious, if something is missing and should be added, and what should be in the core part of the code and what in the appendix.
Please submit your responses to our secretary Lynn Maranda at secretary.icofom@icom.museum by September 25, 2023.
Your contribution to this process is greatly appreciated!
ICOFOM Working Group on Ethics